If you’re looking for Sunday school lessons and curriculum, you’re not alone. More than 22,000 people search for these resources online every single month!
I put this page together to give you a hand in finding the lesson or curriculum that’s right for you. =)
Whether you’re looking for your church’s next three-year Sunday school lesson plan or just trying to find some emergency material for next week, this is the spot where you’ll find what you’re looking for. Publishers and churches have created a great deal of Sunday school curriculum options over the decades—we’ve lined them up so you can take your pick.

Where to shop for Sunday school lessons
Before we get into the individual places to find Sunday school lessons, let’s make sure we’ve addressed the other places online where you can explore your options. These storefronts are where you can find and purchase Sunday school curriculum from different publishers. We’ve laid out a lot of lesson sources on this page, but if you want to hunt for yourself, try these options.
Disciplr (all digital Sunday school lessons)
^^ Hey, that looks familiar!
Disciplr’s the only place you can get curriculum from multiple publishers for one easy annual subscription. No need to shop around—you’ve got instant access to world-class curriculum from many of the publishers you’ll see in this list.
Sunday School Direct
Family Christian
Quick Sunday school lessons (a la carte)
If you’re looking for Sunday school lessons you can use this coming Sunday, here are a few places where you can pick up individual lessons.
From their website: Are you looking for a printable Sunday school lesson for children? Thousands of other children’s ministry leaders have found our Bible lessons a great starting point. This page links to all the free lesson plans on our site and also points you to other great websites that offer free Sunday School curriculum. You can teach these kids Bible lessons “as is” or use them to create your own.
Individual children’s Sunday school lessons for high-traffic church days.
Karl Bastian runs one of the most comprehensive KidMin websites on the Internet, and members can access all kinds of lessons, as well as terrific KidMin tips and tricks!
Christianity Cove
With over 700 free Sunday school lesson articles on their blog, and 26 best-selling resources in their library of products, Christianity Cove has helped thousands of teachers around the world revitalize their children’s ministry programs and fill their classrooms with eager students.
Christian Standard
Regularly updated with Sunday school lessons for adults following the International Sunday School Lesson calendar.
Kids Sunday School Place
Most of these lessons for kids are only available to registered members, but you can pick and choose some of their free material.
Dr. Steve Armstrong’s Sunday school lessons
From Dr. Armstrong’s website: The teaching style used is an interactive or discussion style. The lesson poses questions which guide the learners to determine what the Scriptures say, what they mean, and then how it should be changing their lives. PowerPoint slides are available which are designed to visually display the Scripture passages and the discussion questions. These are free Sunday school Lessons which you may download and use as is or use as a resource to help you in your teaching ministry.
Sunday school lessons for all ages
(Interactive digital edition available on Disciplr)
From their website: Bible-in-Life lessons are sound, easy-to-teach and are designed to impact every student that is entrusted to your care-from the littlest ones to the most mature! And as the name implies Bible-in-Life helps each student put Bible truths to work where it counts-in their everyday life.
Learn more about Bible-in-Life.
The Gospel Project
From their website: The Bible is not a collection of stories. It is one story of God’s plan to rescue His people from sin and death. It is the story of redemption, the gospel message of Jesus Christ. And it’s our story, too.
Answers Bible Curriculum
From their website: Answers Bible Curriculum is a full-featured, chronological, 3-year Sunday school program. Its 156 lessons are synchronized across 7 age groups from preschool to adults. Each group covers Genesis through Revelation and learns the same material—but at different levels of depth—empowering exciting and easy discussion for the entire family!
From their website: For over 20 years, Echoes Sunday school curriculum has been one of the most widely used resources for African American churches. Every lesson is easy-to-use, teacher friendly, strengthens the entire church body with a Unified Lesson Theme, and is certain to keep your classes engaged with relevant Scriptural content that applies to their everyday lives.
Explore the Bible
From their website: For every Christian, a deep knowledge of the Word helps make the difference between a shallow faith and a life of trust and obedience. This intimacy with the Word develops as we dedicate our lives to reading and studying it personally, in community with others, and regularly examining how it should impact us every day.
Bible Studies for Life
From their website: In chapter 4 of John’s gospel, Jesus encountered a lonely, outcast woman at a well. Through a series of questions, Jesus connected with her right where she was, and helped her see how He was the answer to her greatest need. That brief conversation inevitably resulted in a life, and even a community, redirected in pursuit of Him.
Your people, all of them, need Jesus to meet them right where they are. They need to see how the Bible meets their lives and they need a community of Christ followers surrounding them.
Sunday school lessons for kids (curriculum)
(Heads up: you should also check out our list of free Sunday school lessons for kids!)
(Available via Disciplr)
From their website: Tru helps kids and their families connect to God, find their place in His big story, and respond to Him through the power of the Holy Spirit. Tru employs a family-empowered ministry model that is God-centered and spiritually forming—through two editions: large group/small group and classroom! It’s an all-digital curriculum available via Disciplr.
Learn more about TruStory for 1st-5th grades and TruIdentity for 6th-8th grades.
(Interactive digital edition available on Disciplr)
From their website: Classroom learning is not about teaching Sunday school lessons…it’s about transforming lives. With D6 Curriculum, classroom learning is easy and effective with the use of the CLEAR Learning System®. CLEAR is a more effective way to teach the Bible because it’s built around the natural learning process of students.
D6 Curriculum (based on Deuteronomy 6:4-9) aligns small group environments at church to where the entire family is studying the same theme at the same time. The cool thing is, it doesn’t stop at the church worship experience. This one of a kind, effective discipleship Sunday school curriculum helps parents reconnect with kids and teens through the use of devotional magazines, Splink, Home Connection, and other take home resources that help equip parents to drive the Christian faith experience into the home.
Learn more about D6 Adventure Kids for Kindergarten-1st grade.
What’s in the Bible?
From their website: In his first new project since VeggieTales®, Phil Vischer has set out to teach kids (and parents!) the story of the Bible – God’s great rescue plan! We know the stories of Moses, Noah, David, and Jesus, but in this groundbreaking new Christian kids’ series, we see how they all fit together to tell one big, redemptive story.
Vischer’s signature wit shines through with his all-new cast of characters, fast-paced flash animation, and catchy tunes. This is one journey through the Bible you won’t want to miss!
The Gospel Story for Kids
From their website: Because children need help understanding that the Bible is one story with Jesus as the hero, the Gospel Story Curriculum focuses on Christ and his gospel as it teaches 156 key stories from Genesis to Revelation that highlight God’s plan of redemption. This unique three-year Sunday school curriculum grows with children by exploring the same Bible stories at three different learning levels, presenting the material in a fresh way each time to help children grow in their understanding of the Bible.
252 Basics
From their website: 252 Basics is a monthly web-based Sunday school curriculum designed for Kindergarten through 5th-graders.What’s 252 represent? It’s not our street address or the number of questions a 2nd-grader can ask in 20 minutes. Instead, everything we teach in 252 Basics is based on one of three basic, but powerful, truths modeled by Jesus in Luke 2:52.
- I need to make the wise choice.
- I can trust God no matter what.
- I should treat others the way I want to be treated.
This Sunday school curriculum is designed to provoke discovery and invite kids into a new understanding of how to grow in relationship with Jesus.
Learn more about 252 Basics.
Deep Blue Kids
From their website: Deep Blue’s awe-inspiring Sunday school lessons for children which includes adventure, exciting stories, science experiments, arts and crafts, animated video storytelling, and active games-all combined into a living–faith experience that will help children discover what it means to be a disciple of Jesus Christ today!
Hands-on Bible
From their website: Use unique games, snacks and crafts to help kids learn about God, because kids retain more by interacting with a Sunday school lesson instead of just hearing it. Jesus used everyday things to teach important truths – and now you can too! Discovering the Bible will be a fun, hands-on experience that gets kids excited about coming to Sunday school.
FaithWeaver NOW
From their website: Family members explore the same Bible passage in age-appropriate classes so each week the same Bible truth is fresh on everyone’s heart and mind. You’ll actually see families grow stronger in their faith together.
(Interactive digital edition available on Disciplr)
From their website: The J12 story began with one very important story. In fact, it is the only story about Jesus in the Bible between birth and 30 years old. That one story takes place when Jesus was 12, and contains a template for a generation to follow.
J12 has established preteen local church ministries all over the globe. Every year the ministry of J12 produces new resources, Sunday school curriculum, and tools for parents, teachers, and preteens.
Group’s Buzz
From their website: What if you could literally open the box and start your lesson?
Buzz makes Sunday school lessons sweet & simple. Preparation is simple—if it’s in the lesson, it’s in the box! With Buzz, all you prepare is your heart. Read the Bible background. Enjoy a weekly devotion. Pray for your kids. You’re ready! Preparing to teach Buzz is stress–free and meaningful.
Living Inside Out
From their website: Living Inside Out cures Sunday school boredom because kids are immersed in fun, memorable experiences. Large-group multimedia and activities combine with small-group interaction to cement Bible learning and help kids learn to live out their faith 24/7.
First Look
From the website: First Look is a web-based Sunday school curriculum designed for babies through 5-year-olds. Every element centers on giving preschoolers a first impression of their loving heavenly Father. Through the use of monthly bottom lines and memory verses, First Look strives to instill three basic truths into the hearts of preschoolers:
- God made me.
- God loves me.
- Jesus wants to be my friend forever.
Each element and resource we offer for leaders and parents is designed to incite wonder in the life of a preschooler, whether it’s during a Bible story, diaper change or small group time!
Grow, Proclaim, Serve
From their website: Grow, Proclaim, Serve! incorporates Bible stories, activities, crafts, media, and games into a full faith experience for children. With Grow, Proclaim, Serve! children will develop the skills to unlock the Bible message and grow their faith by leaps and bounds.
(Interactive digital edition available on Disciplr)
From their website: Rio believes that our faith is a relational one, and that the best way to grow people in the faith is to help them deepen their relationship with God and others. We strive to engage relationships at all levels within your children’s ministry-leader to child, child to child, child to parent, parent to leader-all within the context of a relationship with God.
Learn more about Rio.
Discipleship Jr.
(Interactive digital edition available on Disciplr)
From their website: Discipleship Jr. is a Bible-based, in-depth program that harnesses the power of FUN to build young disciples through interaction with Bible truth and with each other.
A complete, multiage children’s ministry program, Discipleship Jr. is packed full of interactive stories and drama, Scripture memory, and themed snacks and activities that will engage every child! It’s guaranteed effective because its principles and methods of instruction are teacher-tested and kid-approved!
From their website: There is a common thread that runs throughout the entire Bible, an epic story of God and his relationship with the people he loves. Epic Sunday school curriculum brings this narrative to life, engaging kids in a complete picture of God’s story through the ages. As each week unfolds, kids will begin to claim this story as their own, reliving it in their hearts and in their lives.
This is more than just a story. This is God’s story. This is our story.
Teach, Take and Tell
From their website: Teach, Take and Tell is a one year, 12-unit children’s systematic theology for use with two and three year olds. It focuses on twelve key biblical truths. The same Bible story and truth are presented each week of the four/five week units, allowing the children to master the concept and story. Action rhymes, songs, games and crafts reinforce and add variety to this basic core lesson.
Big Questions and Answers for Little People
From their website: Big Questions & Answers for little people is a three year children’s systematic theology for three to pre-kindergartener five-year-olds. It presents 52 key biblical truths that expand the children’s understanding of the same12 Big Questions and Answers used in Teach, Take and Tell. There are 3 weeks of Sunday school curriculum for each of the 52 biblical truths. A Bible story, reflective of the truth is presented along with the concept each of three weeks. This allows the children to master the concept and the story. Actions rhymes, songs, games and crafts reinforce and add variety to this basic core Sunday school lesson.
From their website: DiscipleLand™ partners with you to guide kids to reach their peak potential as disciples of Jesus Christ. A complete Bible learning system, DiscipleLand helps you lead children to know God intimately, to love Him passionately, and to serve Him selflessly. DiscipleLand offers a family of resources ideal for Sunday school lessons.
From their website: DWELL Sunday school lessons are intentionally crafted together as an ongoing journey in God’s story. Each year builds on the previous one—from preschool all the way through grade 8. In age-appropriate ways, children are introduced to beautiful simplicity, growing complexity, and deeper mystery.
Sharefaith Kids
From their website: Experience the joy of preparing and teaching Bible lessons in a way you’ve never done before! SharefaithKids® 52-week, cloud-based Sunday School Curriculum excels through fast, fun and easy preparation, dynamic teaching and a volunteer-friendly approach. With editable Sunday School lessons, teacher collaboration, director overview, and content fitting for ages 4-12, it’s bound to have a lasting impact!
Kidology’s open-source Sunday school curriculum
From their website: This collection consists of three 1-year programs: Old Testament Chronological Study, New Testament Chronological Study, and Value Keepers of the Bible. We’re big fans of the collaborative power of the Internet to take something and make it better, so we’re “open sourcing” these studies written with extensive detail by Susan E. Harper, author of our popular The Lion, the Witch & the Wardrobe Companion Study. Whether or not you are a Kidology Premium Member, you can download and use all the Sunday school lessons from this series with grades 1-6.
High Voltage Kids Ministry
From their website: What sets High Voltage Kids Ministry apart is the fact that we are NOT a “curriculum company”. We are REAL LIFE Kids Pastors in a local church who create and produce our own videos, object lessons, graphics, illustrations, skits, and more [. . .] whatever products you purchase from us have been tested and proven to be 100% effective!
This iKnow
From their website: In our conversations with children’s ministers, we heard one refrain: “we need a gospel-centered Sunday school curriculum.” You want it to be led by a teacher, not a video. You want it to incorporate church and family. You want it to include exciting media components. You want something completely new, not just last decade’s curriculum in a shiny new package. You want it to be automagically delivered to you every quarter. You want it to be easy-to-use. You asked for it, we made it happen.
This iKnow is a quarterly, gospel-centered, teacher-led, exciting, fantasterrific curriculum for elementary ministry. It has everything you need to help lead kids to know, love and serve Christ.
From their website: Gospel Light’s KidsTime™ is the complete, easy-to-use program that works with any number of kids and teachers, all ages (grades 1 – 6), and even limited budgets! Gospel Light’s KidsTime™ works with small or large groups and is easy enough for the inexperienced teacher but complete enough for the pro.
Baby Beginnings
From their website: Baby Beginnings is a 2-year-long program in a box. Organized by 12 important monthly themes, Baby Beginnings equips leaders, caregivers, and parents with the tools to help little ones take their first steps in learning about God in each Sunday school lesson.
Give Me Jesus!
From their website: The Give Me Jesus! Quarterly Kit comes with everything you need for 10 kids and 1 teacher. With Give Me Jesus!, children study the Bible section by section and develop a deep understanding of God’s Word.
Lil’ Sprouts Club
From their website: Lil’ Sprouts Club is the complete nursery resource—perfect for nursery ministries of all sizes!
Planting Faith
From their website: Plant seeds of faith by laying an age-appropriate groundwork of basic Bible knowledge during early childhood with Planting Faith Sunday school curriculum. Over the course of four years, students will learn the fundamentals—Biblical events like creation and Biblical truths such as salvation and God’s care. Planting Faith consists of two departments: 2s & 3s and Pre-Primary. Each department has a two-year cycle.
Growing Faith
From their website: Growing Faith consists of three departments: Primary (grades 1 and 2) encourages children to obey Biblical truths and to love and follow the Savior. Middler (grades 3 and 4) is a through-the-Bible course that allows students to see an overview of God’s Word and how it all fits together. Junior (grades 5 and 6) challenges students to grow in eight essential areas of the Christian life. Each department has a two-year cycle.
Spark: Activate Faith
From their website: Spark Lectionary is a three-year Sunday school curriculum, with fall, winter, and spring quarters each year. The lessons correspond to the Revised Common Lectionary—helping kids get more out of both worship and Sunday school lessons.
From their website: Every Whirl lesson follows a four-part sequence: Welcome, Hear, Respond, and Launch (WHRL!). Each week, kids and leaders start their time together by identifying where they are in the church year and watching an animated video to set up the lesson. Next, they dive into the Whirl Story Bible or Whirl NRSV Bible together, respond to the scripture lesson with creative leaflet activities, and circle up to review the lesson and pray before being sent out.
Holy Moly
From their website: Every Holy Moly lesson follows a four-part sequence: Discover, Relate, Connect, and Create. Each week, kids watch an animated Bible story video, talk about the story, read their Bible Storybook or Bible, and try a creative leaflet activity. Holy Moly resources are available for kids in kindergarten through fourth grades by unit or as downloadable lessons a la carte, or you can access content for all lessons with a Sparkhouse Online subscription.
Route 52
(Interactive digital edition available on Disciplr)
From their website: Reproducible Bible study and Sunday school curriculum for children of all ages! Complete lesson plans, plus all the reproducible patterns, handouts, and activity materials needed for 52 weeks of fun Bible learning—nothing else to buy. Available for four age groups–ages 3 & 4, ages 4–6, ages 6–8, and ages 8–12. Route 52 is excellent for Sunday school lessons/weekend programs, children’s church, youth group, kids’ club, and midweek Bible study programs.
(Interactive digital edition available on Disciplr)
From their website: HeartShaper classroom-based curriculum is focused on helping kids love God and His Word—and live it out. HeartShaper is the only Sunday school curriculum that promotes biblical literacy by taking kids through the Bible five times by the time they reach sixth grade. With one focus per lesson and unique Quick Steps™, teaching is easy—and learning is fun!
If biblical literacy is important to you and your church, HeartShaper is the right choice. Kids experience God by studying His Word and applying it to their lives. From toddlers who pat the Bible to preteens who study it to find answers, kids are immersed in God’s Word in age-appropriate ways.
Learn more about HeartShaper (Middle Elementary).
Children Desiring God
From their website: Man is not the key player in history. God is the engineer of all life, and His purposes are fulfilled throughout history. These 40-week studies purposefully present God as the main character in each lesson, rather than dwelling on man and man’s needs. Each lesson focuses on the magnificent character of the One who can satisfy all our longings. Showing children the greatness of God gives them a basis to respond to Him. This material presents a great God who is worthy to be admired and imitated.
From their website: Elevate teaches kids to lead and succeed through Biblical values, and to apply the Bible to their everyday lives. Children learn through fun and age appropriate activities. Elevate offers creative teaching through fun characters, games, discipleship activities and music for preschool and elementary children.
Friends and Heroes
From their website: Used with Friends and Heroes award-winning DVDs, this Bible curriculum helps children learn and apply Bible stories. The lessons are active, fun and designed to engage all children—both boys and girls! Plus the Sunday school curriculum is teacher-friendly and designed to help your ministry to equip more volunteer teachers than ever before.
Jesus Storybook Bible Curriculum
From their website: Based on the award-winning Jesus Storybook Bible, comes the Jesus Storybook Bible Curriculum, great for Sunday School use. Children will love the vivid illustrations and animated videos that bring to life Bible stories from both the Old and New Testament. They’ll learn every story in the Bible points to Jesus – and what that means for them!
Treasuring Christ
From their website: Treasuring Christ is a comprehensive Sunday school curriculum delivered online for preschool through high school that strengthens children and families by teaching them the gospel from Genesis to Revelation. Our vision is to spread the fame of God by equipping godly generations to treasure Christ through a Gospel-centered curriculum for the church, the home, and the nations. The Treasuring Christ scope and sequence is focused on teaching children and students the narrative of the gospel as it unfolds from Genesis to Revelation.
Baptist Fellowship Press
Baptist Fellowship Press provides Sunday School curriculum that is Biblical, engaging, and culturally relevant for today’s urban church. The curriculum consists of three departments for grades 1 through 6, each with a two-year cycle.
Sunday school lessons for youth and teens
From their website: Bible-based, culturally relevant, and personally challenging teen Sunday school lessons for jr. high and high school.
Teens need to experience God actively, firsthand–in a way that relates to their lifestyle and how they communicate. ENCOUNTER™ brings teens the message of the Bible and relates spiritual truths to the world around them. Every week, ENCOUNTER™ curriculum provides a complete, four-step lesson plan. Each step contains two options, allowing the teacher to choose from activities best suited to his or her teens. Options include “hands-on” activities like drama, art, and games as well as intellectually engaging research, reporting, and discussion. Student pages from the student books and video, audio, and posters from the resource packet equip teachers to easily lead activities while allowing students to participate fully.
Living My Faith
Help junior highers act upon the Biblical knowledge they have gained and encourage them to develop their own personal walks with Christ. In the Living My Faith Sunday school curriculum, students in grades 7–9 will be encouraged to personalize and truly live their faith as they study Biblical characters and relevant topics.
Real Faith
A four-year Sunday school curriculum cycle for ages 14–17 or grades 9–12. Providing Bible book, character, and topical studies to help senior high students develop a truly Christ-honoring lifestyle and demonstrate Real Faith.
From their website: It’s not little kid Sunday school! Every Connect lesson follows a three-part sequence: See, Explore, and Make. Each week, tweens focus on and reinforce a theme by watching a witty video, exploring biblical text, and creating projects that range from games to art and more. Connect materials are available by unit or single lesson, or you can access content for all lessons with a Sparkhouse Online subscription.
Sunday school lessons for adults
From their website: Combines a singular emphasis on baptistic doctrine with a commitment to Scripture in the King James Version. You’ll appreciate the uniqueness of Accent among Sunday school curriculum resources.
Standard Lesson
From their website: Trusted by church leaders for over 100 years, The Standard® Lesson Quarterly provides quality, biblically sound lessons based on the ISSL/Uniform Series. Each quarter contains 13 weeks of Sunday school lessons, including verse-by-verse Bible exposition, discussion questions, and ready to use resources to enhance study.
From their website: Deepen faith with discussion of topics that cover everything from “Is God real?” to “What is salvation?” and whatever else groups bring to the table.
Good Questions Bible Studies
From their website: Good Questions lessons correspond with three of Lifeway’s series, plus the International Standard Series. For one affordable price, you get access to all lessons. Josh Hunt has been doing this for years and 1000+ lessons are available (with four new lessons added each week).
Put these lessons into the hands of all your teachers and watch your classes transform from lecture-based groups to discussion-based groups. Each lesson consists of 20 or so ready-to-use questions that get groups talking.
Truth for Living
A comprehensive, trustworthy Sunday school curriculum that presents the truth of God’s Word without compromise. Perfect for adults who want a guide in using all of God’s Word as God intended.
LifeDesign Electives
A through-the-Bible Sunday school curriculum that is intensely Biblical and intentionally practical. Helps busy adult learners know and understand, apply, and practice God’s Word in practical, effective ways.
Fearless Conversation
From their website: Fearless Conversation Adult Sunday school curriculum is a unique curriculum designed to build relationships through authentic conversation. A fearless conversation is a healthy open dialogue that addresses “wondering” questions about faith and God in a compassionate environment, using the Bible as our source to find the truth. It’s all about sharing experiences openly and embracing doubts and questions. As you seek to understand others through active listening, you trust the Holy Spirit to guide you all the way.
If you’ve made it this far, congrats! You now have a better understanding of the Sunday school lesson choices than most folks. Now, feel free to explore these individual options, share this page with your friends in ministry, or leave a comment with suggestions of curriculum we could add when we update this page.
Notice any Sunday school curriculum I missed? I’ll be updating this page regularly, so leave me a comment with other curriculum to include!
Free guide for Sunday school teachers
Great Sunday school teachers use great Sunday school lessons, but that’s not all they do. KidMin expert Greg Baird has found 8 essential qualities of fantastic leaders: join the Disciplr newsletter to find out what they are!
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